The prize, named in honor of the late Max Nänny, past IAWIS President, is awarded every three years on the occasion of our triennial conferences: it was awarded for the first time in Paris, in 2008.
Prize Recipients
2023 - Catherine Gander (Maynooth University), “Black and White Landscapes: Topographies of Disorientation in the Works of Carrie Mae Weems and Claudia Rankin.” Journal of American Studies vol. 52, issue 3 (July 2020): 517-540
2021 - Benoît Crucifix (Université de Gand) «Rethinking the “Memorable Panel” from Pierre Sterckx to Olivier Josso Hamel». European Comic Art 10, n. 2 (2017): 24-47
2017 - Catherine Labio (University of Colorado, Boulder): “The Architecture of Comics,” Critical Inquiry 41 (2015): 312-43
2014 – Elena Gualtieri, “Kodak Modernism: Avant-Garde Poetry in the Age of Popular Photography” (Modernist Cultures 7.2 [2012]): 180-204.
2011 – Richard Taws (University College London) for “Trompe l’Oeil and Trauma: Money and Memory after the Terror” (Oxford Art Journal 30:3 [2007]): 353-76.
2008 – Anna Arnar (Minnesota State University, Moorhead) for “‘A Modern Popular Poem’: Stéphane Mallarmé on the Visual, Rhetorical and Democratic Potentials of the fin-de-siècle Newspaper” (Word & Image 22.4 [2006]).
Submission guidelines
Members as well as non-members of IAWIS/AIERTI may submit already published articles (dated no earlier than three years before the submission deadline). The deadline for the next prize selection is 30 April 2026.
1. The Max Nänny Prize for the Best Article in Word & Image Studies (500 euros) is awarded every three years on the occasion of IAWIS/AIERTI’s triennial conference; it was awarded for the first time in Paris in 2008.
2. It is open to everybody; membership is not required for the submission of articles. Members of the Executive or Advisory Boards of IAWIS/AIERTI cannot submit an article. If a student of a member of the Board submits an article, this member cannot be on the selection committee.
3. Articles submitted must have been already published. On submission, the date of publication should not be earlier than three years before the submission deadline.
4. Articles submitted can be published in any of the following languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, Dutch. The consideration of articles in other languages is subject to the association finding outside readers. IAWIS/AIERTI is under no obligation to provide such readers.
5. Articles should be sent in PDF file to IAWIS/AIERTI’s secretary to sophie.stokes@univ-poitiers.fr