Prof. Jan Baetens
University of Leuven,
Cultural Studies Program
Leuven, Belgium
Email: jan.baetens@arts.kleuven.be

Prof. Claus Clüver
Professor Emeritus, Indiana University
405 N. Indiana Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47408-3741, USA
Telephone: (+1 812) 339 3764
Fax: (+1 812) 855 2688
E-mail: cluver@indiana.edu

Prof. Michèle Hannoosh
University of Michigan, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
Telephone: (+1 734) 764 5344
Fax: (+1 734) 764 8163
Email: hannoosh@umich.edu

Prof. Laurence Roussillon-Constanty
Université de Pau et des Pays
de l’Adour, France
Department of English
Email: laurence.roussillon-constanty@univ-pau.fr

Prof. Dr. Martin Heusser
Universität Zürich, Englisches Seminar
Plattenstrasse 47
8032 Zürich, Switzerland
Telephone: (+41 44) 634 3551
Fax: (+41 44) 634 4908
Email: heusser@es.uzh.ch

Prof. Dr. Massimo Leone
University of Turin, Department of Philosophy
Via Po 18
10124 Turin, Italy
Telephone: (+39) 011 670 2750
Email: massimo.leone@unito.it

Prof. Hans Lund
Lunds Universitet, Department of Cultural Studies
Biskopsgaten 7
223 62 Lund, Sweden
Telephone: (+46 46) 222 43 05
Email: hans.lund@kult.lu.se

Prof. Catriona MacLeod (1995 Conference organizer)
Frank Curtis Springer and Gertrude Melcher Springer
Professor in the College and the Department of Germanic Studies
University of Chicago - Department of Germanic Studies
Classics Building, Room 25F
1010 East 59th Street Chicago, IL 60637
Email: cmacleod@uchicago.edu

Prof. Véronique Plesch (IAWIS President 2008-2017)
Colby College, Department of Art
5634 Mayflower Hill
Waterville, Me 04901, USA
Telephone: (+1 207) 859. 5634
Fax: (+1 207) 859.5635
Email: vbplesch@colby.edu

Prof. Charlotte Schoell-Glass
(IAWIS President 2002-2008, 2002 Conference organizer)
Universität Hamburg, Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1
Westflügel 20146 Hamburg, Germany
Telephone: (+49) 40 42838-3262
EMail: schglass@uni-hamburg.de

Prof. Nathalie Roelens
Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Art and Education
Université du Luxembourg
Email: nathalie.roelens@uni.lu

Prof. Philippe Kaenel (2017 Conference organizer)
Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Histoire de l’art
Email: philippe.kaenel@unil.ch
In memoriam
Prof. Iain F.W.K. Davidson († 9/2/2013) Obituary for Iain Davidson
Prof. Max Nänny († 4/2/2006) Obituary for Max Nänny
Prof. Lars Elleström († 5/12/2021) Obituary for Lars Elleström